To whoever may happen to see this…

Wow, I should post this here too! And again, I’m sorry for randomly popping up in people’s readers with this garbage.


I feel this needs to be said.

If you are going to complain for several months that your public Twitter account is being “stalked” because people are viewing it or hearing about it from others, and if you are going to proceed to write a long rant about the illegality of cyberstalking, then you should know it is incredibly hypocritical to use trackers to access someone’s private account they have shared the username of with two people total just so you can block said account. It is also very hypocritical of you to complain about being “stalked” after having engaged in practices such as having spent the past two years gathering and spreading personal information about other people based on things you have overheard in the background of Discord voice calls.

Also, if you so desperately want not to be banned from a Discord server because it’s “too important” to…

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